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Kabir Doha translation in Bengali- Suparna Majumdar

I have always loved Kabirdas Dohas, I grew up reading them in school, then I shifted to Bengal and since then I have read so many masters of literature but still enjoyed the gems left by Kabirdasjee, the only tricky thing was we need someone expert to explain the true meaning of those dohas, Suparna has done that for us.

she has translated 500 dohas by Kabirdasjee in Bengali. That is quite a treasure.

Right now I am reading that book, along with Suparna’s translation of Faiz’s shayari. Will share the reviews later.

If you are Bengali and like Kabirdasjee’s immense wisdom check out the book in the link below.

কবীরের দোহা – সুপর্ণা মজুমদার


Sharmishtha Basu is creator editor of Ezines Agnishatdal and Agnijaat- both English Ezines are published in the middle of English months but beginning of Bengali months. You can buy them from paypal, payhip or patreon. The links are in the blog. Apart from this she is a self-published author, illustrator always looking for offers, feel free to contact her if you want her works! Make her day! She lives in Kolkata, loves life and living! Her passion is writing, painting, listening to music and watching nice movies, movies that entertain or teach something. She loves to blog, details again are in the blog, check it out!

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