Posted in greetings

Eid Mubaraq!

Eid Mubaraq. After a full month of pious fasting and praying Eid is here. A day of great happiness that is quite well earned I will say. Summer down here in Burdwan is pretty, pretty scorching, it is April and the temperature is 45 degree centigrade, oh boy! What will happen in June? Just waiting for Kalboishakhis to show up, the thunderstorms that are supposed to happen regularly in Boisakh, they did not happen in Kolkata much, I wonder if they will happen here! Outside the maw of pollution! 🙂 Waiting quite eagerly to witness the first thunderstorm after shifting here. Had a storm, that was quite stormy but the wind was from wrong side, so we did not get much gusts LOL and that was more than a month ago.

Hope it will start raining soon ha ha.
Have a wonderful time ahead!
Love and hugs.


Sharmishtha Basu is creator editor of Ezines Agnishatdal and Agnijaat- both English Ezines are published in the middle of English months but beginning of Bengali months. You can buy them from paypal, payhip or patreon. The links are in the blog. Apart from this she is a self-published author, illustrator always looking for offers, feel free to contact her if you want her works! Make her day! She lives in Kolkata, loves life and living! Her passion is writing, painting, listening to music and watching nice movies, movies that entertain or teach something. She loves to blog, details again are in the blog, check it out!

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